SEO 101: What is SEO and Why do I need it?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a tricky beast and needs constant attention.  It is best grown organically and slowly over time.  There really are no shortcuts when it comes to SEO – you have to do the work to get the results.  While there are lots of strategies out there for this, it is generally agreed that creating an effective SEO campaign will include certain steps.

A good SEO campaign should include:

  • Integration of a well-researched group of keywords that receive a high volume of searches  and are SPECIFIC TO YOUR SITE, INDUSTRY and TARGET AUDIENCE.
  • Properly placed meta information, keywords and descriptions to maximize your visibility and increase your page rank across ALL search engines, not just Google.
  • Site submissions to multiple directories, social media outlets, profile pages and search engine indexes to insure that your website and company information are consistent across all outlets.
  • Periodic reports provided to you that show your position in the search results across multiple engines, and which pages are getting the best rankings within your site.
  • For brick and mortar locations, Local Directory Mapping is a must.  This service will submit your website and contact details to hundreds of directory listings and websites, gaining up to 800 legitimate backlinks from reputable sites.  It increases visibility for local searches and provides a wealth of the SEO rank value.

SEO is an ordeal, and it is often overwhelming for business owners to dedicate the time needed to carry out a successful campaign. BluErth handles SEO campaigns for many of our clients over the course of 6-12 months, and our dedicated SEO team has proven success putting sites at the top of the search results pages again and again.

LEARN MORE about SEO and how BluErth can launch your successful SEO campaign

SEO  mapping

Importing Mail with Thunderbird

download thunderbird
Click the icon above to download Thunderbird

It is always strongly recommended using a local mail client to download and backup your email to your PC or Mac.  We recommend Mozilla Thunderbird, because it is free, compatible with every system, frequently updated, and really easy to use.  This tutorial will show you how to use Thunderbird to import your mail accounts to your desktop computer.  Continue reading “Importing Mail with Thunderbird”

How to Import Your Email to Your iPhone or iPad

The iPhone and iPad supports IMAP. IMAP will allow you to retrieve emails and folders from your email account and leave the emails on the server. The directions below contain server port configuration for BluErth hosting accounts for Mac Mail.

Follow these steps to create an IMAP connection to an iOS device:
1.     On your device, navigate to Settings.
2.     Tap Mail
3.     Tap Add Account.
4.     Tap Other.
5.     Tap Add Mail Account.
6.     Complete the Name, Address (email address), Password and Description fields.
7.     Click Next.
8.     Ensure IMAP is selected.
9.     Enter your incoming mail server information:
– Hostname is mail.[yourdomain].com
– Incoming port is 993
– Username is your full email address
– Password is the same password used to access webmail.
10.   Enter your outgoing mail server information:
– Hostname is mail.[yourdomain].com
– Outgoing port is 465
– Username is your full email address
– Password is the same password used to access webmail.
11.   Tap Next.
12.   The iPhone will attempt to establish an SSL connection to your IMAP and SMTP servers. If this succeeds, you will be done and can proceed to step 13. If this fails, you will see the prompt, “Do you want to try setting up the account without SSL?”
o     Tap No.
o     Tap Save.
o     When prompted, “This account may not be able to send or receive emails. Are you sure you want to save,” tap Save.
13.   Tap the account you just added (identified by your email address)
14.   Scroll down and tap the SMTP button.
15.   Select the server you just added, identified by the hostname from step 9.
16.   Make sure SSL is turned ON
17.   Select Password for Authentication
18.   Enter 465 for outgoing Server Port.
19.   Tap the SMTP button to go back.
20.   Tap your email address to go back.
21.   Tap Advanced.
22.   Scroll down to Incoming Settings.
23.   Make sure SSL is turned ON
24.   Select Password for Authentication.
25.   Select 993 for Server Port.
26.   Tap your email address to go back.
27.   Tap Mail to go back.
28.   Tap the Home button.
29.   Tap the Mail App to check your configuration.

How to Import Email Accounts to Gmail

Gmail makes handling multiple email accounts easy and is a great tool for condensing all of your accounts into one location so that you don’t have to check multiple URLs. Below is a detailed tutorial on how to import a new email address into your existing Gmail account, and how to send messages from Gmail marked as coming from a non-Gmail address.

How to Import a New Email Address to your Gmail Account

1. Open Gmail, and click the cog icon in top right of the screen and select Settings from the drop-down menu.
How to import Email Account to Gmail

Continue reading “How to Import Email Accounts to Gmail”